Our School

About our school

Sanderson High School is a non-denominational ASN Secondary School with a roll of 111 which serves East Kilbride and the surrounding area and caters for pupils with Additional Support Needs from S1-S6.

At Sanderson High School we value all of our pupils equally and provide them with a range of individualised education programmes which are designed to meet their needs and prepare them for life after they leave school.

We believe in challenging all our pupils to achieve their full potential both in attainment and through recognising their gifts and talents in all areas.  We are also committed to developing the qualities and values in our young people which ensure they become active participants in their local communities.

Developing a strong partnership with parents is very important to us as we know parental support is crucial to a young person’s success.  We encourage all parents to become involved in the corporate life of the school.  We operate an open door policy at Sanderson and you can contact us by phone or e-mail or in person through our school office.

We are very proud of our school and the success of our pupils and we hope that with your support this can continue.

The school is part of the Calderglen Learning Community and has extensive links with the local community including Calderglen High School, Universal Connections, South Lanarkshire and Motherwell Colleges, Community Police, Calderglen Country Park, local businesses and local sport facilities.

At present, most pupils have an Additional Support Plan with a few pupils having a Co-ordinated support plan.
Pupils are referred to Sanderson High School through South Lanarkshire Admissions Forum.

History of the School

Sanderson High School first came into being in June 1994 from a merger of Springhill School in East Kilbride and Dalton School in Blantyre. The new campus opened officially on 5th February 2009.

Aims of Sanderson High School

The purpose of Sanderson High School is to enable each member of the school community (both pupils and staff) to achieve his or her fullest potential.

We will:

  • Support our pupils. We will consider the individual strengths and needs of each pupil and will design their learning to suit them as individuals. We will provide high quality pastoral support based on fostering positive relationships.
  • Provide a positive learning environment for all. We will enthuse, motivate, and inspire all pupils to embrace new ideas and to achieve the highest level of success.
  • Teach young people to be socially responsible. We will reward pupils when they behave well, and support them when they make mistakes. We will teach them their rights and the responsible actions which ensure everyone receives those rights.
  • Work in partnership with all in the school community for the good of our pupils.
  • Promote respect for people of all backgrounds, faiths, cultures, ethnic origins and encourage and develop acceptance, tolerance and personal responsibility.
  • Foster effective leadership at all levels of school life.
  • Regularly and rigorously self-evaluate the work that we do in order to ensure we are constantly improving and having a positive, sustained impact.
  • Celebrate our successes. School, class, team or individual, past and present.       

SQIP – 3 year cycle – sanderson HS

 Sanderson High School is a Rights Respecting School.

Accommodation and Facilities
Sanderson High School houses state-of-the-art facilities in its modern building. Pupils also share the wider campus with Calderglen High School.www.calderglen.s-lanark.sch.uk.

Curriculum for Excellence
The curriculum mirrors that of a mainstream secondary and pupils have the opportunity to follow both Curriculum for Excellence and SQA National Qualifications.
As well as the formal curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to develop independence, social skills and responsibility and are encouraged to be assertive and confident as they move through the school.

The school fosters a safe environment where pupils are able to fulfill their potential at a pace of learning that suits them and there is flexibility for pupils if they require. The holistic approach taken by staff ensures that pupils’ needs are met and time is taken to ensure that staff are aware of issues surrounding individual pupils.
Parents are encouraged to be part of their son’s/ daughter’s education and are welcomed to contact the school as and when the need arises.